Here we go again. It's been a month since I have published anything. We have just been so incredibly busy with half marathon training and keeping both kids entertained during the second half of Keegan's deployment. He is home now (thank goodness!) and since there will soon be a change in job for him, he will be needing to bring a lunch with him to work for the first time in almost 11 years! Because of this and the fact that I have officially extended my leave away from teaching even longer, we need to work harder to make our food budget go as far as it can. We still have some meat leftover from the large local free range order we received in February so we'll be working on finishing that before we order another one.
Monday - Pork roast. We added cauliflower to our mashed potatoes. It was great. Neither kid had any idea. Parenting win!
Tuesday -
Leftovers. Finished leftovers for lunch so bbq chicken breast instead! Yum!
Wednesday - Steak with onion, mushrooms, greek salad.
Thursday - Slow cooker whole chicken with potatoes and broccoli
Friday - Pizza Greek style!
Saturday - Spaghetti squash - I found a HUGE one! And there will be enough to freeze for another night.
Sunday - Stew (I have one already prepared in the freezer from my big freezer cooking day)
So there it is! Now to start planning lunches as well... :)
Greek pizza sounds delicious!!!