About Me

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I am a cloth diapering, breastfeeding, cosleeping, baby led weaning, extended rear facing, eco conscious, married mommy to two beautiful children. They have changed my view on the world we live in. It is now my number 1 goal to make it the best I can for them to grow up in. I find myself always rethinking how I want to live my life and often feel like sharing my findings and thoughts with others. So I guess here's my chance :o) I will talk about topics that interest me. If you dont like them or dont agree, well... there's nothing much I can do!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

First month of summer solo parenting done!

So here we are, the first of 3 summer months of solo parenting done. It has been quite the month. Between parent & tot programs, play dates, continuing our quest for clean whole foods, enjoying the outdoors, and 2 crazy adorable children, there is never a quiet moment.

We have discovered the programs offered by our local Military Family Resource Centre. For 2$, I can stop by and Abigail can run around like crazy for 2 hours. There are crafts to do, books to read, snacks to eat. It is great! There are two sessions a week (one of which is in French!) being offered all summer long. The centre is about a 30 minute drive away so we probably won't go every week but it is still nice to have the option. 

Since Zachary was born, I have had the pleasure of meeting some pretty fantastic women who are part of a local cloth diapering group. Many share the same parenting philosophies (breastfeeding, car seat safety, non CIO) as me so it has been very easy to speak with them. I no longer feel alone in my choices. Within this group, there are several of us that support one another in our quest to eat clean, whole, organic foods. And more that cheer each other on to lead healthy active lives. It's great. 

The only real big project I have taken on this summer is to have a successful vegetable garden. I'm keeping it relatively simple this summer. All I have planted are cucumbers (most have died already), tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, peppers, and squash. Everything (well mostly) is growing really well. Because I am producing so little this year, I signed up for a farm share and I got my first delivery today! We got spinach, rhubarb, kale, cucumbers, radishes and strawberries. I will finally try kale tomorrow since I will be making kale chips.

My big project for July will involve a lot of work. My asparagus and blueberry bushes are doing ok in the back yard. I found out today that I have the very aggressive spreading gout weed in my back garden bed. The darn weed is choking out one of my blueberry bushes. So I will be transplanting 7 hostas, 3 blueberry bushes, and asparagus to either pots or to either set of grandparents for the summer. I will either be "cooking" the soil to kill the weed or I will simply dig up all the dirt (and weed roots), build a proper box and replace with organic soil. Either way, I will have to remain active in suppressing those weeds.

I'm expecting a very busy summer but I actually wouldn't want to have it any other way!

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