About Me

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I am a cloth diapering, breastfeeding, cosleeping, baby led weaning, extended rear facing, eco conscious, married mommy to two beautiful children. They have changed my view on the world we live in. It is now my number 1 goal to make it the best I can for them to grow up in. I find myself always rethinking how I want to live my life and often feel like sharing my findings and thoughts with others. So I guess here's my chance :o) I will talk about topics that interest me. If you dont like them or dont agree, well... there's nothing much I can do!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Marathon training week 2 recap

So that cold that developed last week? Yeah. Well thanks to it I have spent the whole week resting. My voice was gone the majority of the week. Coughing led to a major lack of sleep for a couple days. It felt weird not training but I know I benefited from the week off.

Since I had plenty of extra time on my hands, it gave me the chance to tackle other areas of my journey that needed work: nutrition. The kids keep me busy during the day. I can easily eat very little in the run of a day. I know this can't happen if I want to take this training seriously. I need fuel. So meal planning it is! I roughly plan out a month's worth f meals to ensure some variety from week to week. Then every weekend, I plan out the week in more detail. At this point, I only have suppers figured out. Eventually, I'd like to figure out some sort of plan for lunches as well. As the weeks progress, I may even look into seeing a nutritionist.
Month and weekly planners on fridge for meal planning

So Day 1 - Long Run Day. 
Today was 13km! I may have to change the way I tackle these runs. My plan is to run as much of the marathon as possible but for now, I will stick with the "run 10 minutes walk 1 minute" plan encouraged by the Running Room. I stuck with the lead pace group today. The run felt great! I didn't know how I'd feel about running with a group since I'm not a huge talker when I run but it was awesome. Lots of encouragement. Lots of laughs. We ran at a consistent pace the for the first 11km and finished strong.

My goal time is anywhere between 4 and 4:15 hours. Putting it in writing makes it official ;)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Marathon training - Week 1 recap

It's hard to believe that I'm actually doing this. I signed up for my very first marathon and joined a training group. I love that I have finally found something that I truly enjoy and that is great for taking care of myself. Sometimes as parents, we have a terrible hard to time doing things for ourselves. Well I have no problem being selfish for once. :)

Day 1 (Sunday)
Training started off with a 11km run on my birthday. We were supposed to do 10 but since it was the 11th, I decided to add another one in there for good measure. It was the beginning of what was shaping up to be a crazy week (ballet, basketball and swimming for Abigail and Zachary and lots of running for me) but I was glad to kick it off in a great way.

Supposed to be Day 2 (T)
I skipped my very first scheduled training day. Trying to fit in my runs with evening activities for the kids will surely be difficult as the weeks progress. But since I ran regularly leading up to this week, skipping this workout wasn't going to affect my progress.

Day 2 (W)
10km tempo run with run club! I'd say there was probably 50 of us out running the snowy streets that evening. Our city is notorious for doing a horrible job at clearing to snow so there were a couple times where we had to almost stop running altogether to let impatient drivers by. I was unsure what pace to run at and since I didn't really know anybody, I just went with a pace that I was comfortable with.

Day 3 (Th)
Clinic day! It was great to meet everyone. We are a large training group (around 25!) and everyone is essentially training for one of 3 marathons being held in May. Lots of experience and there are a few of us newbies. We then went out for a 6km tempo run. As much as I enjoy running alone (it lets me clear my mind), I'm enjoying running with a group. Tons of encouragement.

Supposed to be day 4 (S)
I came down with a cold mid week. Forcing myself to skip more runs in return for more time to rest. But I did finally register for the Bluenose Marathon!

Day 4 (Sunday)
Long run day. Decided to skip running with the group in the cold morning and went in the much warmer afternoon with a group member. She couldn't make it in the morning either so meeting up in the afternoon for a 10km run worked out perfectly!

Still waiting for the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada to be listed as an official charity for the Bluenose Charity Challenge. I'm eager to start raising funds!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why am I running? (My 100th post!)

As I sit here writing this, my mom is in the middle of her 7th cancer removal surgery in as many years. It sucks. It really does. So I figured I'd do something about it this year.

Last year, some of you may remember, I "became" a runner. I decided to turn my half marathon into a fundraiser for our local environmental centre. This year, I have decided to challenge myself even further and run a full marathon! A whole 42 kilometres. And I'll be doing it as a fundraiser for the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada.

My goal will be to raise 1000$ in honour of my mom. Details are still being finalized between the association and the Bluenose Marathon but I will have those links for you as soon as I can! Marathon training officially starts this weekend so there will be weekly updates!

Thanks again for taking the time to read!
-20*C with the wind doesn't stop me!