Our experience last year with our very first farm share was great. We tried many new things. The only downfall was that we got our produce Thursday evenings. Some things would slowly go bad b the time we got around to using it after a busy weekend. So this year, I decided that it was worth the extra 20 minutes in travel time to pick it up Tuesday afternoon. Since I'll be picking it up at a farmers market, I could easily pick up the rest of our groceries at the same time. Since I won't always know ahead of time what I will be getting, I may have to do some quick meal planning one is receive my bag. Having a general idea will be useful though. And thank goodness for smart phones since I can do a quick recipe search as well.
So here is our first week! We are actually getting 2 shares this week since K's coworker is away as well for the week and won't be using theirs.
Salad mix, garlic scapes, cucumbers, broccoli, basil
So our meal plan for the week is:
T - Garlic shrimp stir fry
W - Family outing
Th - Grilled chicken with side salad
F - Margarita pizza
We were also hit by Tropical Storm Arthur on the weekend and it unfortunately destroyed many crops across the province. Many of my vegetables were snapped right in half because of the high winds. Throughout it all, I wondered how our smaller scale local farms made out. Southfield Organics (from whom we get our farm share) shared that her farm was hit bad as well and that for the first time since she started offering shares, her harvest could be much smaller this year. We all hope that things will rebound and that the second half of the season will be successful. Things like this happen. But I don't regret supporting her farm in the least, regardless of what this year's harvest will look like :)