I'm officially a quarter of the way there! The first trimester is nerve wracking! Always worrying. With Abigail, I only found out at this point so there was much less worrying with that pregnancy.
Weight gain : I actually lost about 4 lbs but then put 2 back on. So technically I'm at -2 lbs. I haven't been sick or anything. I just haven't been very hungry.
Clothes : The majority of my summer clothes still fit me since I am actually at my smallest size in my adult life. My younger sister (who is slightly smaller than me) works in a teenage clothing store so each time I visit, I leave with hand-me-downs. I have loads of tank tops (which will stretch nicely) and several flowy dresses so I should be good for the summer.
Breast feeding : For the passed year, Abigail has maintained nursing twice at night (bedtime and when she woke up and transitions to our bed). I definitely went through the "holy cow my breast hurt" phase. I told myself several times that I would have to wean her if the pain continued but thankfully it didn't. She has actually weaned herself down to just nursing at bedtime. Those sessions are getting shorter and shorter so maybe she will wean herself completely soon? We will have to see.
Vbac preparation : I have a wonderful support system full of some fabulous ladies. We will all help each other prepare for our big day. So far, I have met with a couple potential doulas. I think I may have met my match :) I will soon have the very important prenatal appointment with my doctor where we will discuss all the details surounding my vbac. Hopefully we are on the same page or else I may need to find a new doctor.
Due date drama : I had my dating ultrasound last week and it was absolutely amazing to see the little baby. After 7.5 weeks past conception, it is 2.5cm long and was moving its arms and legs away and you could clearly see the little itty bitty heart beating. Beautiful!! According to the ultra sound, the baby is measuring right where it should be with my due date being based on ovulation.
Other facts : Most of our neighbours still don't know (and if they do, they havent mentioned itnto me yet!). We haven't made it official on fb yet. I am already starting to show so it wont be long until most of our friends find out.
About Me

- Becoming Granola
- I am a cloth diapering, breastfeeding, cosleeping, baby led weaning, extended rear facing, eco conscious, married mommy to two beautiful children. They have changed my view on the world we live in. It is now my number 1 goal to make it the best I can for them to grow up in. I find myself always rethinking how I want to live my life and often feel like sharing my findings and thoughts with others. So I guess here's my chance :o) I will talk about topics that interest me. If you dont like them or dont agree, well... there's nothing much I can do!